MARCH FOR WHAT? The Cleveland State Right to Life Chapter will hold a "March for Life" on September 30, starting at 11 a.m. at the University Center. This march will progress down Euclid Avenue to Public Square, where protesters will "peacefully petition" their cause and hear speakers at the North Quadrangle. Presently no plans have been made by Pro-Choice groups for a counterdemonstration. WSW hopes someone will fill the vacuum.

ANTI-CHOICE FORCES BUSIER THAN EVER: The Cleveland State Students for Life have planned a 2-day conference on October 6-7 at CSU. Several representatives of the National Right to Life Committee will speak on issues which they see as crucial to future organizing against the Pro-Choice Movement. Mildred Jefferson, President of the National Committee, will speak at the City Club on October 5. Ann O'Donnell, Vice President, will debate at the Life Issues Forum at 10 a.m. on that same day. The Committee has invited Karen Mulhauser, Executive Director of NARAL, to debate at the forum. The Reproductive Freedom Coalition (421-0524) encourages Pro-Choice individuals to participate at the forum and to let NARAL's spokeswoman know we support her. Other seminars include: Abortion as Exploitation; Marching for the Human Life Amendment -Do We Have To?; Feminists for Life; and Federal Abortion Funding and Minorities -Is It Genocide?

Let the public know we're ready to defend what we believe. Does anyone out there want to organize a counter-presence at these events?

FEMINIST ISSUES N.O.W. is a radio program broadcast from 7:30 to 8:00 AM every Sunday morning on WMMS and from 12:30 to 1:00 AM every Friday on WZAK. Barbara Lombardo (Cleveland NOW) is the coordinator. Ideas are welcome. Contact Barb Lombardo at 835-5042 or Julle Patterson at 581-8281 with advertising suggestions.

The FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON WOMEN IN MUSIC is now in the planning stages. A committee has been formed in New York City to plan the Congress' presentation of scholarly papers and performances of music by past and contemporary women composers. The Congress will be held in New York City in October, 1979. For more information, contact Jeannie Pool at P.O. Box 436, Ansonia Station, N.Y., N.Y. 10023.

Cleveland NOW is sponsoring


a Career Planning Workshop conducted by Phyllis Stoller (University Without Walls) on Thursday, October 12, from 7 to 10 p.m. Call Barbara Lombardo at 835-5042 for location and further information.

WEEKEND FORUM FOR WOMEN. Fifty-two half-hour TV shows have been initiated by Channel 3, WKYC-TV, as Public Affairs Programming. The Forum will be aired each Saturday and Sunday from 6:00 to 6:30 AM. Preceding the twenty minutes of interviews with Cleveland women and others in areas of women's concern, there will be a five-minute edition of women's news. Call your news (not announcements of events) into Del Jones at 522-4970, or evenings at 777-9857. Contact Donne Krause at 521-4675 (days or evenings) with ideas for topics and guests.

Oven Preductions will present its first concert of the season on December 1, 1978, featuring SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK, at Cuyahoga Community College, 8:30 p.m. The concert is open to the public. Watch WSW for ticket sales and other information.

CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING. Cleveland NOW would like to get a group going soon. Contact Barb Lombardo at 835-5042 or Julie Patterson at 581-8281.

EDUCATION FOR FREEDOM OF CHOICE IN OHIO [EFCO) is initiating a Volunteer Speakers Bureau to address groups on pro-choice issues. Workshops for speakers consist of two 3-hour sessions. If you are interested in volunteering or if you'd like to learn more about the issue, contact Mary or Chris at EFCO's office, 579-0028.

The SECOND CONFERENCE ON THE ORDINATION OF ROMAN CATHOLIC WOMEN is scheduled for November 10-12, 1978, at the Baltimore Civic Center. For further information, contact Sr. Elizabeth Thomas, CHM, (213) 559-2944, or the Women's Ordination Conference, P.O. Box 651, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782.

IZQUIERDA ENSEMBLE will be performing September 26 at the Wilder Main Lounge of Oberlin College. Admission free.


DIRECTORS for both the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute on Drug Abuse will be appointed by early October. Letters urging the selection of women for these jobs should be sent Immediately to: Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Secretary, U.S. Department of HEW, 330 Independence Avenue, Wash. ington, D.C. 20201, and Dr. Gerald Klerman, Director, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857.

NATIONAL WOMEN'S HEALTH NETWORK board members and other NWHN members Interested in attending the Fall Board Meeting following the convention of the American Public Health Association in Los Angeles, October 20-22, 1976, should contact Francie Hornstein, 1112 Crenshaw Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90019, or Suzanne Morgan, 2921 Walnut Ave., Manhattan Beach, Calif, 90266, who will be making arrangements for housing, childcare and food for the lunches during the meeting.

The UPPER MIDWEST LESBIAN-GAY POLITICAL REVIVAL will take place October 6, 7 and 8 at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolls. There will be workshops, strategies, speakouts, music and more for lesbians, gays and supporters. For more Information, contact the Lavender Brigade, P. O. Box 9523, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440.

A WOMAN'S PLACE, Athol, New York 12810, is a mountain retreat for women where one can reevaluate one's life and gain support from other women from around the country. The following workshops are scheduled for this fall:

Sept. 30-31


Older Wimmin. Coping with aging. Learning about and establishing support systems. Oct. 7-9 Yoga Retreat. Interaction between facilitators and beginners. Learning from each other. Oct. 14-15 -Dealing with Racism. Challenging our own racism and discussing the relationship between privilege and oppression. Oct. 21-11 Death and Dying. Attempting to get in touch with and to accept death as a part of life.

Oct. 29-30 -Halloween. Wimmin as witches, midwives and healers. A party too, naturally,

Nov. 4-5 -Massage and Self-Healing. Nov. 11-12 -Grant writing.

Nov. 18-19 Intimate Relationships. Sharing ideas and feelings about caring for women and/or men. Nov. 23-26 Thanksgiving Community Celebration. Feast and frolic.


Please make reservations in advance so that adequate preparations can be made. Rates are reasonable and camping is available.

The ACLU of Cleveland is initiating a program to train attorneys to assist veterans with discharge upgrades. On Friday, October 6, the ACLU will conduct a workshop for attorneys in the area of discharge upgrading.

As a result of recent Department of Defense regulations and an August 23 Federal Court decision, all veterans with less than honorable discharges are entitled to a hearing to review those discharges. There are over 450,000 Vietnam Era veterans and over 1,000,000 veterans totally who currently carry less than honorable discharges.

For information and participation, contact Michael Brizz at the ACLU Cleveland office, 781-6276,

CUYAHOGA WOMEN'S POLITICAL CAUCUS has invited Ex ward Feighan and Seth Talt, both candidates for Cuyahoga County Commissioner to a question and answer session al WomenSpace on Sat Sept 10 The candidiates will br.ques tioned by a panel of women about how they plan to use the multi million dollar county budget for the benefit of women The panel s issues are Day Care, Health and Social Services for Women. Employment and Education Possibilities for Wornen, and Appointment of Women to Boards and Commis sions There will be an open question period after the panel and women are requested to come armed with Their Toughest questions WornenSpace is located at 1258 Euclid Panel begins al 9 15am

ARE YOU UNDER 18 and fed up with the way you are treated by the schools and society? Send two 15-cent stamps and your name and address for a copy of a new magazine, Sabversive Scholastic, P. O. Box 8234. Columbus, Ohio 43201. The magazine would like to receive letters or articles about the special hassles young women face from the combination of sexism and ageism.

PRETERM has developed an exciting and humanistic audio-visual program on female sterilization by mini-laparotomy. Preterm offers to present this program to women's groups throughout Ohio as a consciousness-raising tool in an effort to maximize women's freedom to make informed choices for themselves about their reproductivity. There is no charge for the educational speakers' program. If you believe your group would be interested in viewing the mini-laparotomy audio-visual with a Preterm speaker, or would be interested in having a speaker on reproductive freedom legislation, sex education or related subject, please call 388-1006 to make arrangements to book a speaker into your 1978-79 schedule.


The LEARNING COMMUNITY, a parent co-op elementary school serving kindergarten through 4th grade, has openings for fall. For more info, call 321-1502.

Alterations and Custom Made Clothes Lorraine 371.4561

Acoustic steel string guitar, good sound. good condition $110. 791-3077 evenings

Flute, needs new pads $60 791-3077 evenings


To all of you WSW readers who think of the west side of Cleveland as the desolate side of the world (and to you west side readers who know otherwise): Good news! There's an oasis on Madison Avenue.

On Sunday, September 10, Tish Popa celebrated her Grand Reopening of Tish's Shoe Repair and Emporium at 15603 Madison Avenue, Lakewood. Light and spacious, the warm, friendly atmosphere is not only the best place in town to keep your footwear looking and feeling good, it is now the place where you can purchase fine quality hand-crafted belts, handbags, wallets, jewelry and much more.

Being self-employed is not easy. It means working hard, putting in long hours, not much time for a personal life, no financial guarantee, hassles with landlords and suppliers, and the lack of acceptance and encouragement for women working in traditionally male areas of employment. Tish has had to deal with all of these situations and has survived and maintained her optimism. Whether it's time to get your comfortable shoes and boots back in shape or start your Christmas shopping, visiting Tish and her shop is a most worthwhile experience.

October, 1978/What She Wants/Page-15
